Monday, 20 October 2014

Amsterdam in one week

Rent an apartment on in the center of the city. This way you will avoid high public transport fees (one ride on tram is 2.80 euro) and have access to all main attractions by foot.

 Take a boat tour. You can find tourist information boxes selling tickets for these tours almost everywhere.  Usually it costs about 15 euro for 75 minutes (day time), but it totally worth it. Amsterdam is built on the water and, according to wikipedia, has more than one hundred kilometers of canals. People commute to work on boats, live in boathouses, have parties on boats. Taking canal cruise is the best way to see the city in its full.

Visit De Wallen - famous Red Light district in Amsterdam. While it's quite ordinary place if you visit it in the day time, everything changes after the sunset - there are hundreds of one-room cabins rented by prostitutes. Dressed in sexy lingerie they stand behind glass doors illuminated with red light and try to attract the attention of passers-by. The whole picture looked very surreal to me because I have never seen anything like that anywhere. There are girls to every taste and like. The age also varies from 18 to 50+, I guess? For instance, there was one grandmother alike prostitute offering BDSM sex. You can also find shemales here but no other signs of male prostitution - google says that it's more hidden than female prostitution. Prices and time of sexual service depend on what customer wants, but usually it's 50 euro per 15-20 minutes (thanks again, google!). Also there are theatres with real live porn shows :D Even if you're not interested in neither getting sex for money nor watching how others do it on stage, I'd totally recommend visiting De Wallen just to feel this unique atmosphere.

Say hello lo local kitties

...and aliens who, apparently, don't mind to get high

Speaking about weed, Netherlands is one of those countries where it is legalized and a lot of people think that getting high in Amsterdam is a must to do thing. There's a big variety of specialized Coffeeshops out there with Bulldog Coffeeshop as the oldest one of them. If you have a little experience with weed, it is recommended to ask for something more light. Also don't drink alcohol while smoking. It's not legal to smoke outside of coffeeshop, but a lot of people ignore it and you can smell cannabis almost everywhere in Amsterdam.

Buy your boyfriend a present from Condomerie - condom shop. They have condoms with cannabis taste, glowing in the dark condoms, vegan ones... 

Visit Van Gogh Museum.

...and oldest in Europe Sex Museum.

Walk around the city.

Locals prefer to use bicycle for traveling in Amsterdam, but don't rent it on your very first day in the city since the traffic is terrible. You'll need some time to get used to it even when walking on foot. 

Nyx Cosmetic in Douglas drug store
Affordable Hema makeup somewhere on Kalverstraat
Local handmade soaps at La Savonnerie (Prinsengracht 294) 
W.I.P nail polishes at Urban Outfitters
Cute bags at Brandy Melville
Cheap skinny jeans at Forever 21
Vintage postcards and second hand clothes at Waterlooplein Flea Market
Sexy lingerie at Monki
Holland cheese at cheese shop
Dutch Stroopwafels in supermarkets
Tulip bulbs at Flower Market


  1. I loved this post! I really want to visit Amsterdam and I have serious travel envy now! Also, love that you lost places to go and buy things too - so useful! <3

    1. Sorry for late reply. Amsterdam is very beautiful city totally worth visiting, I'll hope you'll have an opportunity to see it with your own eyes ;)

  2. I loved this post and it's definitely made me want to visit Amsterdam, it seems like such an interesting place! xx

    Catherine l

    1. Thank you! I think Amsterdam is one of the most shocking places in Europe xx

  3. I love Amsterdam! I visited with my boyfriend back in July for 4 days & posted a video on my YouTube! I absolutely love it and wouldn't hesitate to go back! Great post with some helpful advice too xx

    1. Oh I need to check you video out! I also made a little filming with my camera, but still haven't had enough of time to edit it :c I'd love to visit Amsterdam again too! xx
